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Book Details

Published04 March 2014
Interiorstandard color
Trim Size7.5" x 9.25"
191mm x 235mm
ISBN9781783240001 (hardback)
Soups You Sir
by Henri Rochette

Simple, sumptuous and satisfying. Sixty delicious, fuss-free homemade soup recipes for every occasion. From butternut squash and goats cheese gumbo to artichoke and vanilla scallop consommes, each recipe is an absolute taste sensation. Healthy, wholesome recipes packed with good-for-you veggies, fresh fish, hearty beef and more. Soups are filling, nutritious and low in calories. Chef Henry invites you to join him in cooking the soups that made him famous.
Meet the Author

Chef Henry, originally from Montsoreau in France’s Loire Valley, has worked in some of the finest kitchens in the world, honing his culinary skills and fuelling his passion for great food. Henry’s style is very much driven by a desire to educate, and he has been pioneering in developing the growing trend towards healthier foods and more down-to-earth lifestyles.

Soups you Sir draws on all his worldly adventures and brings together inspirations from many countries. Eat healthy, stay active and enjoy life to the full.

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